The Supposed Godzilla For The 2012 Film Is A Fake
May 7, 2010
‘Sector 7’ Korean Monster Movie Now In Production
May 11, 2010On this week’s episode of Planet X Control Room, NessMasta gets Rick Roll’d TWICE in one day by NikAinu, which is entertaining. But anywho, they talk about that the Godzilla Planet website is now finally live and talk about some features on the site. Then, they’ve got quite a bit of news since their was technical difficulties on NessMasta’s end last weekend when the two were recording this episode.
NessMasta and NikAinu review the fifth film in the Godzilla franchise, “Ghidorah, The Three-Headed Monster”. The film debuts one of Godzilla’s arch-nemesis.
Next, in the Toy/Gaming Discussion, there isn’t anything for toys, but NessMasta reviews “Godzilla: Unleashed”. He apparently beaten the game 45 minutes before doing Episode 5. NikAinu does a book review on “Godzilla Collectibles”, which is a collection in of itself.
Then, the show finally hears from a listener! The listener of the show, GoGoGadgetKopter, basically wants to hear the hosts’ take on the outrages prices on the array of figures, and the two hosts respond to GoGoGadgetKopter’s question.
In Free-For-F**king-All, NessMasta reviews the “Godzilla Conpendium” book which contains all of the Godzilla films from the 1954 film to Godzilla vs. Destoroyah, with behind-the-scenes commentary and monster stats/profiles. NikAinu does a pre-review on the Godzilla Perfect Soundtrack Collection Box 6. You can also see some of his review here.
This week’s actor recognition: Kenji Sahara. An actor who has appeared in array of Godzilla and other giant monster films. Probably of the actors who has appeared the most in Toho’s classic monster films and has taken a variety of roles.
Last, the two hosts will talk about their favorite track of the week in Tune It Up!
Episode Track List:
00:00:00 – Prelude
00:01:18 – Introduction
00:08:28 – Oh, Do We Have Quite A Bit of News For You!
00:27:00 – Movie Review: Ghidorah, The Three-Headed Monster
00:34:31 – Toy/Gaming Discussion
00:47:09 – GoGoGadgetKopter Question Rant
01:12:05 – Intermission
01:12:35 – Free-For-F**king-All
01:30:08 – Actor Recognition: Kenji Sahara
01:38:50 – Tune It Up!
01:50:48 – Conclusion
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