Sci-Fi Revoltech Wave 3 To Include Gamera & Gyaos
May 6, 2010
GodzillaThon at VIZ Cinema May 8-13
May 7, 2010I was going through Google here today and caught this over at the Kaijuphile Forums. I thought that since there isn’t much film news lately, seems that this can be appropriate for the time being. The poster at Kaijuphile Forums states that it’s some footage from a 3D Godzilla ride called “Godzilla Monster Planet”. The person who uploaded this video onto YouTube mistakenly had it for Mechagodzilla II test footage.
So apparently, the footage contains some shots with the Garuda ship and missiles approaching the camera head on. Godzilla roaming through a forest and city with Rodan and Mothra flying around him, as well as seeing some Maser Cannons firing, but without visual effects.
The video was uploaded on August 9, 2009 with over 12,000 views. You can view the video below.
[yframe url=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgpbJwKyE3I’]