Planet X Control Room: Episode 13
July 29, 2010
Planet X Control Room: Episode 14
August 4, 2010On Monday or Tuesday of this week, and avid fan or listener sent me an email through my portfolio website (not sure why, but oh well) about a supposed artwork for ‘Godzilla 2012’. He sent me a link to a JoBlo.com article and took a gander at the article and the supposed “artwork”. I was somewhat excited for a minute, but then of course something didn’t seem right in the artwork and did some research on the artwork, until I stumbled upon Bloody Disgusting’s article on the artwork, and sure enough, the artwork was a fake.
A person working on the project reported to Bloody Disgusting to debunk the story immediately. The artwork was apparently on a t-shirt floating around at this year’s San Diego Comic-Con.
In the artwork, the Godzilla depicted is somewhat of a hybrid between the Millennium Godzilla and the Heisei Godzilla that’s about to fire his Atomic Ray in a city with TONS of destruction. There was also the Legendary Pictures logo displayed on a billboard which to me practically gave away as a fake to me, since production companies wouldn’t even have their logos on official artwork, if it was only a watermark somewhere on a corner or a major news media’s watermark logo such as IGN.
So It’s what I’ve kept saying in an earlier article, do not believe anything like this if only it comes from the official source. There will be plenty of fake artwork, sculptures, story/plot, etc. to the upcoming Godzilla film before anything official comes about. But nonetheless, here’s the fake artwork below. It’s gotten somewhat of positive reviews.