Planet X Control Room: Episode 12
July 18, 2010
Planet X Control Room: Episode 13
July 29, 2010Although that Warner Brothers and Legendary Pictures has not announced a director to direct one of the most anticipated films yet, Godzilla, we compiled a list of directors that we would love to see sitting in the hot seat for the big budget film. As time continues or until a director is announced, we’ll grow this list of directors of ones we think will could be suitable to take on the Big Guy. With what this film is about with tons of destruction and explosions, there were a couple of directors that we think would fit that bill perfectly, and you might think which of those directors will be. So, without further ado, here’s our Godzilla 2012 Director Dream List:
Louis Leterrier
Mr. Leterrier has started to become a well-known director in Hollywood, with The Incredible Hulk reboot and Clash of the Titans remake under his belt. His art/techniques, as well as telling the story, have been very good and something that the Godzilla 2012 film would want. Taking the example of Clash of the Titans, we can see how he can handle a gigantic creature in the likes of the Kracken. Just think of what he can do with a much bigger monster like Godzilla? There are endless possibilities of what he can do with the Big G. We believe that Louis Leterrier would do a good job directing Godzilla and bringing back the story that made Godzilla a star.
Michael Bay
Yes, this is one of the directors we think would have a ball doing TONS of destruction and explosions for Godzilla. Although the stories/plots to his films are at least ok, we could witness a Godzilla film on epic proportions with Michael Bay at the helm. If you want lots of destruction, explosions, etc., Michael Bay is your man (especially when directing the three Transformers films); but, if you want a real good story for the Godzilla film, we might want to reconsider and look somewhere else for a director with good story creativity. But nonetheless, we consider Michael Bay as a potential director of Godzilla, only because he is the lord of destruction and chaos in the film industry. Hopefully he doesn’t add humping dogs in the Godzilla 2012 film as well…
Nimrod Antal/Robert Rodriguez
Although this is the first time we’ve heard of Director Nimrod Antal, but with the way he handled the remake/reboot of the film, Predators, we think that he can handle a much much bigger monster, along with Robert Rodriguez. We could possibly see a Godzilla that could take place in the present day and have one of the characters reference the 1954 incident, much like they did with Predators when one of the main leads referenced the ’87 incident from the original film, which was pretty awesome. The story to Predators was pretty good, something that Godzilla could certainly use. So we think they’ll be able to handle a big project.
A director who hasn’t done much directing in big-budget films, his most notable films are We Are Marshall and Terminator: Salvation. With T4 as the closest example to seeing what he could offer for Godzilla, he can definitely create a gritty atmosphere that can be used for the Godzilla 2012 project, as well as his creative storytelling. McG did respectably well with the fourth Terminator film, one of the best Terminator films behind Terminator 2: Judgment Day. We can definitely see a director like McG, helming a bigger project such as Godzilla. Though there have been some mixed criticism about McG, but those criticisms are much more positive than what Michael Bay receives. So see McG as one of more realistic candidates as director, along with Louis Leterrier.
Steven Spielberg/George Lucas
Even though this might be a bit far-fetched to get these two on-board, but Steven Spielberg has mentioned that not only he’s a fan of Transformers, but also a fan of Godzilla. With the way these two have collaborated in films, especially the Indiana Jones films, they have very creative storytelling and imaginations. With the help of LucasArts in taking over the visual effects department and the directing of Steven Spielberg, we could see a phenomenal Godzilla film, probably Spielberg’s best when it comes to comparing it to Jurassic Park and possibly a few other of his films. But when none of them are picked, Spielberg could at least be one of the producers/executive producers added if Michael Bay was directing. But, we know that’s really not going to happen since the film already has producers and executive producers, so we’ll probably won’t see a Spielberg/Lucas collaboration for this project. It would be nice to see though nonetheless.
J.J. Abrams
Another well-known director who likes Godzilla, too much to where he made his own giant monster film, Cloverfield. When it comes to J.J. Abrams, he makes good actions films as well as having a good and creative storytelling, such as Star Trek. He’s currently working on somewhat of a sequel to Cloverfield, but mostly believed to be a much different creature. The film is titled Super 8, which is mostly being shot on a Super 8 film and going along the old-school roots of Steven Spielberg filming techniques. With the picture quality and storytelling from Star Trek, and combine it with a Cloverfield-type film (without the camera movement going everywhere), we would definitely have such an awesome Godzilla film that was directed by a pretty awesome director. We can see J.J. Abrams be a more logical, realistic candidate for the project, and someone that’s a fan of the Big G as well and would know how to get things done right.
Christopher Nolan
This would probably be our biggest dream come true if it ever comes to fruition. Chris Nolan has become the talk of the town with the treatment he has done for the Batman franchise and with probably his greatest masterpiece yet, Inception. Although Nolan would like to handle one project at a time, it would be difficult to bring him on board to helm Godzilla when his next project will be Batman 3, as well as producing the rebooted Superman franchise. But if the project does get lucky and bring Nolan on-board, we’ll see David Goyer and Jonathan Nolan writing up the script, Hans Zimmer and/or collaborating with James Newton Howard composing the score, and possibly see Christian Bale, Michael Caine, Cillian Murphy, and others in the film. With the combination of Godzilla and Christopher Nolan, we will witness the biggest and possibly the best giant monster film in history, and Nolan would be the key to put giant monster films on the map once again, and the genre could start another golden age it once had several decades ago.