
December 12, 2020

DKN TokuZone – Episode 8: Johnny Sokko and his Flying Robot (Episodes 24-26)

Hosts Kent and Jason reach the conclusion of Johnny Sokko and his Flying Robot as they discuss the final three episodes! Plus, discuss any toku-related newsbits! If you have any questions or comments for the co-hosts to read aloud on […]
November 24, 2020

DKN TokuZone – Episode 7: Johnny Sokko and his Flying Robot (Episodes 21-23)

Co-hosts Kent and Jason continue JOHNNY SOKKO AND HIS FLYING ROBOT, discussing the FINAL SIX episodes, starting with 21-23! Plus, going over any tokusatsu-related newsbits! If you have any questions or comments for the co-hosts to read aloud on the […]
November 14, 2020

DKN TokuZone – Episode 6: Johnny Sokko and his Flying Robot (Episodes 17-20)

Co-hosts Kent and Jason continue JOHNNY SOKKO AND HIS FLYING ROBOT, discussing FOUR episodes, from 17-20! Plus, going over any tokusatsu-related newsbits! If you have any questions or comments for the co-hosts to read aloud on the show, use #DKNPodcast on Twitter, message […]
October 25, 2020

DKN TokuZone – Episode 5: Johnny Sokko and his Flying Robot (Episodes 14-16)

Co-hosts Kent and Jason go into the second half of JOHNNY SOKKO AND HIS FLYING ROBOT, discussing episodes 14-16! Plus, going over any tokusatsu-related newsbits! If you have any questions or comments for the co-hosts to read aloud on the […]
October 10, 2020

DKN TokuZone – Episode 4: Johnny Sokko and his Flying Robot (Episodes 11-13)

Kent and Jason of the Daikaiju Network continue discussions on Johnny Sokko and his Flying Robot with Episodes 11-13, reaching the halfway point of the series!. Plus, we discuss the brand new, upcoming Netflix series, Godzilla: Singular Point! If you […]
September 26, 2020

DKN TokuZone – Episode 3: Johnny Sokko and his Flying Robot (Episodes 8-10)

Hosts Kent and Jason continue discussions of Johnny Sokko and his Flying Robot as they go over Episodes 8-10, plus go over some tokusatsu-related news! If you have any questions or comments for the co-hosts to read aloud on the […]
September 12, 2020

DKN TokuZone – Episode 2: Johnny Sokko and his Flying Robot (Episodes 4-7)

Hosts Kent and Jason continue discussions of Johnny Sokko and his Flying Robot as they go over Episodes 4-7, plus go over some tokusatsu-related news! If you have any questions or comments for the co-hosts to read aloud on the […]
August 22, 2020

DKN TokuZone – Episode 1: Johnny Sokko and his Flying Robot (Episodes 1-3)

On the series premiere of Daikaiju Network’s TokuZone show, co-hosts Kent and Jason will be focusing and discussing the TV series, JOHNNY SOKKO AND HIS FLYING ROBOT! They’ll also go over any tokusatsu-related newsbits. If you have any questions or […]
December 6, 2015

DKN Podcast – Episode 89: Ultraman & Iron King (Final Episodes)

On this episode of the DKN Podcast, show hosts Kent and Jason review the final three episodes of Ultraman and the final four episodes of Iron King in a HUGE TokuZone segment! The two hosts also discuss some things for the next commentary and what they might […]
May 3, 2015

DKN Podcast – Episode 79: Ultraman & Iron King

On this episode of DKN Podcast, co-hosts Kent and Jason get straight to it and review Episode 34 of Ultraman and Episode 20 of Iron King in this REALLY short episode! Nothing really else to report on here with the exception […]