The 1970s were not a really bright spot for The King of the Monsters. Toho’s budget for the films declined sharply due to theaters not performing well as a result of more Japanese households carrying televisions. Consequently, many of the […]
I was going through Google here today and caught this over at the Kaijuphile Forums. I thought that since there isn’t much film news lately, seems that this can be appropriate for the time being. The poster at Kaijuphile Forums […]
I’ve went over to a blog page here today and saw a collectible that’s neat and fascinating. The blogger links this awesome collectible that is actually being sold online at Amazon for a price of $200, and I can see […]
While browsing for some news for the fifth episode of PXCR, I stumbled upon some good piece of news from Sci-Fi Japan, even though that this piece of news was made on the 7th of April. Man, wished I could’ve […]