Planet X Control Room: Episode 16
August 16, 2010
Planet X Control Room: Episode 17
August 27, 2010James Rolfe, who’s infamously known as “The Angry Video Game Nerd” across the interwebs, released a video Tuesday on his website, Cinemassacre, of him with one of his friends who’s also a supporting member of James’ videos, James was given a crap-load of trivia questions to answer at a local bar. The video is pretty lengthy, going at about 25 minutes. It’s kind of hard to follow what they’re saying due to the background noise.
If any of you Godzilla fans out there have heard of James Rolfe, such as NikAinu and I have, James is also a loyal Godzilla fan and other giant monsters. He’s made a video game review of the Godzilla games in one of his ‘Angry Video Game Nerd’ episodes a few years ago and has done a HUGE Monster Movie Marathon on the Godzilla franchise a couple years back. So here’s the video of him answering the trivia questions.
Source: Cinemassacre