“King Kong Escapes” Review
March 23, 2013
Planet X Control Room: Episode 34
April 2, 2013Those of you, such as myself, who follow the men’s and women’s NCAA Final Four tournaments are familiar with the brackets. We predict which teams will win the respective rounds and move on in the hopes of becoming champion.
I thought with both basketball Final Fours taking place it was time to do an unofficial Godzilla “Final Four.” Sadly, there will be no brackets due to the uneven amount of Godzilla movies to create one. Instead, this will be a countdown list of my favorite Godzilla films from “worst” to “favorite.” This list will never be set in stone, because, as I’m sure all of you Godzilla fans know, our lists are ever-changing with, perhaps, the exceptions being our favorites.
My hope would be to make this an annual countdown so all of you, including myself, can compare with previous year’s selections and see how my tastes have changed in the previous 12 months, if at all. Over the next several days, I’ll unveil a set of Godzilla movies counting down to the Final Four Godzilla films that I’ve considered my favorite over the last year.
I would encourage all of you to do the same as well. If you want your countdowns published on PXCR, make a note of it in the Comments section below and Ness or I will help you out. But feel free to share your picks below if you don’t wish to have them published on the site.
I hope you’ll enjoy it!