Planet X Control Room: Episode 31
February 28, 2013
PXCR Total Axess: Episode 1
March 1, 2013On the latest episode of Planet X Control Room (Episode 31), NikAinu and NessMasta have made an announcement that they will be consolidating Godzilla Planet into Planet X Control Room.
The reasons are that they have been focusing more on PXCR rather than Godzilla Planet, and that it seems that they have become more of two, different brands that really aren’t contingent with one another.
So one thing had to be sacrificed as the two co-hosts tend to get more busy and can’t deal with two separate things and that Ness has plans for his long-term career and needs to eliminate/reduce that he has done in-order to focus on his long-term career.
“Both Ness and I are looking into going to G-Fest this year, and in order to kind of, I guess you can say, advertise ourselves and our podcast and kind of our brand so to speak,” says Nik during the show while making the announcement. “We wanted to have something that was not trademarked, essentially the name Godzilla. So it was essentially for licensing and trademarking reasons.”
The two co-hosts have had plans to sell merchandise in the works for quite sometime; however, they couldn’t sell merchandise with the name “Godzilla” and with any likeness of Godzilla or other iconic characters as they would be in violation of copyright laws and can receive notices from Toho and other studios which can lead to other things. So this is one of the main reasons that Nik and Ness are consolidating Godzilla Planet into Planet X Control Room.
They also mentioned that it seemed to be a bother of essentially having 2 names when they could have just one to promote the brand.
The other main reason is that Planet X Control Room is more original and something that daikaiju fans can recognize for what it is rather than having one brand name, but then essentially say that it belongs to this brand.
With that, Godzilla Planet will practically be no more; but, the domain name for GP ( will be redirecting to the new PXCR website for at least one more year to get people accustomed to the change. Also, the consolidation process will take roughly a month to do.
So make sure that you bookmark, as the podcast show goes to a whole new level and ventures on its own. Stay tuned for more news.