TV Shows Guide
August 11, 2008
Planet X Control Room | 1: Godzilla, King of the Monsters
April 3, 2010Ok, this one is LONNNG over due! Sorry to everyone that wants to make a contribution to Godzilla Planet. I though of sending everyone a PM, but unfortunately it would let me send a PM to each person instead of sending out one message to everyone. So I decided to just make a post with all of the available contributions as of now.
- Monster Profiles: Each monster profile will contain their abilities, height, weight, appearances, and their background story.
- Movie Reviews: This, you can say is in between the short and long term. But, even though Nik and I review movies on Planet X Control Room, you still have the chance to write giant monster movie reviews with your own opinion. You can also review television shows involving giant monsters such as Ultraman and Godzilla: The Series cartoon.
- Video Game Reviews: This can somewhat be considered as a long-term contribution as well. Since we also review games on PXCR, you can write your own game reviews with your own opinions. Since there’s quite a bit of giant monster games on many gaming systems out their, you’ve got a variety to choose from to review!
- GP Journalist: Everyone should know what this contribution would lead to. The GP Journalist contribution is where you’ll become a regular GP’er and writing news articles, finding giant monster-related stories around the interwebs and magazines. You can also possibly write articles and/or commentate from G-Fest or on PXCR!
- Forum Moderator: Nik and I wouldn’t be around on the forums as often as others are, so we need someone to look over the GP Forum. This is where you’ll monitor posts to see if anyone is flaming/trolling, making death threats towards others, using excessive profanity, displaying porn, etc. Also look over to see if anyone is off topic and to keep them in order. It may be wise to look over our forum rules so you’ll know what to do and enforce them.
- Toy Reviews: Since there’s so many freaking giant monster toys out there, I put this in the long-term category. It’s just like the movie and game reviews where you will review a toy with you own opinion. Also provide photographs of the toy; however, the pictures should be decent and good quality, and we’ll post the pics in the Photo Gallery!
That’s all of the available contributions for Godzilla Planet for now. We’ll come up with more if any pops into our heads down the road. So if all contributions are taken for filled up to a specific number, they’ll be highlighted in red, and if a contribution is completed, it will be highlighted in blue.